Yumm Flaxseed Oil for Joint Support
Anti-inflammatory Benefits of Flaxseed
Step aside, salmon. Scoot over kale. Make room for flaxseed, a rightful member of the healthiest foods club. It has even been shown to ease arthritis, especially in rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and Raynaud’s phenomenon.
“Although flaxseed has been used for a long time – Hippocrates ate and wrote about it in 500 B.C. – it’s only been in the past 10 years that researchers have focused on flaxseed’s health benefits,” says Jocelyn Mathern, a registered dietitian and member of the Flax Lignan Information Bureau Advisory Board, a consumer education organization in Minneapolis.

Just two tablespoons of ground flaxseed contain more than 140% daily value of the inflammation-reducing omega-3 fatty acids and more lignans, a cancer-fighting plant chemical, than any other plant food on the planet. To understand this nutritional star, take a look at what’s inside.
Essential fatty acids. Fifty-seven percent of the total fatty acids in flaxseed oil is alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), one of three omega-3 fatty acids. When consumed, ALA is converted into the other, more powerful omega-3s, docosahexaeonic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids. Ground flaxseed has ALA, but flaxseed oil contains the highest amount. In a study where volunteers consumed flaxseed oil for four weeks, the ALAs significantly decreased pro-inflammatory compounds.
Lignans. Found in flaxseed hulls, these plant chemicals convert to plant estrogen in the digestive tract. Research suggests they may protect against several forms of cancer, prevent heart disease and alleviate menopause symptoms. Whole flaxseed must be ground or bought as meal for lignans to be absorbed by the body. Once opened, a package of flaxseed should be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator to keep it from going rancid. Flaxseed oil does not have the lignans of whole or ground flaxseeds, so look for brands that have added lignans.
Flavonoids. These compounds are found in all flaxseed and lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol. High LDL levels have been linked to a greater risk of heart disease.
Fiber. Dietary fiber accounts for 28%of ground flaxseed’s composition. Soluble fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cancer, while insoluble fiber can help prevent digestive problems.
Note: Flaxseed oil should be avoided by those taking blood-thinners because it may increase bleeding; it should be taken with care by those taking cholesterol-lowering medication because it could lower cholesterol levels too far.

Why Flaxseed Oil?
Flax Seed Oil is nature’s richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids (EFAs), particularly high in omega‑3, especially when the seeds are of high quality, cold pressed without heat or light.
The two primary EFAs are known as Omega-3 alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and Omega-6 linoleic acid (LA). These beneficial fats are essential because your body cannot produce them, they must come from your food.
EFAs are necessary for the following processes:
• Healthy functional heart
• Keeping joints mobile and flexible
• Formation of healthy cell membranes
• Proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system
• Proper thyroid and adrenal activity
• Hormone production
• Regulation of blood clotting: Omega-3 reduces clotting, Omega-6 encourages blood clot formation
• Crucial for the transport and breakdown of cholesterol
• Support healthy hair, skin and nails
Flaxseed Oil
offers support for...
• Learning disorders
• Balanced mood
• Eye health
• Child development
• Stress management
• Healthy immune system
Research now proves everyone needs Omega-3 in their diet for their body to effectively function and perform at its best. Omega-3 is vitally important in many areas of adult and child health.
• Pregnant and Breastfeeding women
• Optimal energy levels
• Digestion
• Weight loss
• Allergies
• Managing diabetes
Organic... or not?
Yumm chooses to produce a non-organic Flax Seed Oil because we focus completely on selecting the highest quality seed lines grown in Canterbury, New Zealand, producing a delicious and delicate oil with the most nutritional benefits.
We then independently test every batch of our Flax Seed Oil for over 200 agricultural residues, so we can guarantee our Flax Seed Oil is free from herbicides and pesticides.
Health beneficial Flax Seed Oil that tastes great, can only come from the highest quality seed lines, combined with the utmost care and exceptional processing methods.

From an ancient medicine
to a modern functional food
Humans have been eating flax for thousands of years. Flaxseed is one of the oldest crops, having been cultivated since the beginning of civilization. The Latin name of flaxseed is Linum usitatissimum, which means “very useful”.
Flax preparations were widely used in medicine as an enveloping and wound-healing agent in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. In the Middle ages, flaxseed oil was administered as a diuretic for the treatment of kidney disorders.
Flaxseed was recommended as an antitumoral (in combination with sweet clover), pain and cough relieving, and anti-inflammatory remedy. It was also used for the treatment of freckles (in a mixture with soda and figs) and nail disorders (with garden cress and honey).
Flaxseed oil is believed to bring mental and physical endurance by fighting fatigue and controlling the aging process.

Whenever Flax Seed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health!
- Mahatma Gandhi

Flaxseed Oil
or Fish Oil?

• Flax Seed Oil contains the only primary essential fatty acid Omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is not available from fish
• All secondary Omega-3s (such as EPA and DHA found in fish) are made from ALA
• Fish oils do not contain ALA
• For the human body to function it needs and uses all Omega-3’s (ALA, EPA and DHA), Omega-6 and Omega-9
• Humans use and benefit from ALA, as well as converting ALA in their bodies to EPA and DHA
• Fish eat plants and algae rich in Omega-3 ALA, then convert the ALA to EPA and DHA
• Flax Seed Oil does not contain heavy metals, which some fish may
• A quality Flax Seed Oil does not use chemical processes such as bleaching and deodorising, which may damage the oil
• Flax seed is a sustainable crop, where many fish populations are in danger of being depleted
• Leading researcher Professor Wayne Cutfield from the Liggins Institute, recommends not to take fish oil during pregnancy as often it is oxidised
NB: In some cases it may be beneficial to take both